Lynn Medoff Physical Therapy
Custom Orthotics

  • Foot/Ankle Disorders

  • Custom Foot Orthotics

This includes evaluation, gait and biomechanical analysis,
and corrective exercises. Orthoses are affordable and
can be fitted in just one session.

  • Treatment of Performing Arts

Medoff is a classically trained dancer who treats dancers
and musicians. She has taught and published extensively
in this area.

  • Neuromuscular Re-education

Functional training that addresses breathing mechanics,
proximal stability, movement patterning, and biomechanics.

  • Consultation Work

Ergonomic consultation and training in the prevention of work related injuries. Medoff has previously employed by W.L. Gore and Assoc.

Medoff's Philosophy

Design and function dictate movement patterning. The musculoskeletal system is an architectural structure that is governed by biomechanical laws. These laws should be consistently applied to all movement patterning that are then applied to function. This is true for ALL movement disciplines – ADLs, sports, dance, yoga, running, weight training, etc.

Medoff creating a custom orthotic insole

Medoff assisting a dancer